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Hey There,


We’re so sorry to hear that your loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. Getting a negative diagnosis is never easy. Hopefully, with advances in modern medicine, there will come a day when cancer is nothing more than a common cold.


But till then, supporting a loved one with cancer isn’t a walk in the park. You may not always know the right thing to say or the appropriate things to do, but still have a desire to help them through this challenging period in their life. If you really want to help, you should read on so that your loved one won’t have to walk this road alone.

Be Prepared For Exoribitant Costs

The main roadblock to recovery is cost. Medical expenses in Singapore are never cheap, period. Treatments are expensive even at government establishments, and -the costs that come with your treatment such as transportation, loss of income et cetera, could be exorbitant.


If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, they need a proper cancer insurance plan in place. It’s pretty much essential to cover the exorbitant costs that come with cancer treatment without them needing to dip into their retirement savings or relying on a loved one for financial support.



CIMB Cancer Plus Guard is a cancer insurance plan that protects you from early and major cancer, heart attacks and stroke till you reach 65. In the case of early cancer, the plan will cover 20% of the sum insured*.


You’re guaranteed an automatic step-up of the sum insured provided that there are continuous cover throughout the period of insurance and no claims has been made under the policy. This means that your coverage will increase by 5% (every policy anniversary) for the first five years until it reaches a maximum of 125%. Best of all, it’s easy to sign up for. You don’t need to undergo medical examinations beforehand; instead, you only need to answer two underwriting questions.


If you think your loved one would be interested, you’d be pleased to know they can sign up for the plan as long as they’re between the ages of 18 and 55, residing or working in Singapore, and they’re a Singaporean, permanent resident or holding a valid pass or permit.


Take care and stay positive.  


*Visit CIMB Cancer Guard Plus to learn about the types of early cancer covered under the plan.  



Yours Truly,



Important Notes & Disclaimer

This article is brought to you by CIMB as part of our ongoing efforts to raise the level of financial literacy amongst Singaporeans. Financial knowledge and understanding are key to making well-informed and meaningful financial decisions that will improve everyone’s well-being. This in turn, achieves CIMB’s purpose of advancing customers and society.