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CIMB Renovation-i Financing

# Products / Items Charges
1 Processing Fee 1.55% of the approved financing amount [deducted upon financing disbursement]
2 Cancellation Fee 1% of the financing amount cancelled
3 Prepayment Fee 1% of amount prepaid
4 Late Payment Fee S$80
5 Issuance of Cashier’s Order S$10 each [waived for the first three (3) cashier’s orders issued]
6 Cashier’s Order Cancellation / Amendment Fee S$20 each

CIMB Education Loan

# Products / Items Charges
1 Processing Fee 2% of the approved loan amount [deducted upon loan disbursement]
2 Cancellation Fee 1% of undisbursed loan amount
3 Prepayment Fee 1% of amount prepaid
4 Late Payment Fee S$80
5 Cashier’s Order Cancellation / Amendment Fee S$20 each
6 Telegraphic Transfer / Demand Draft Refer to Remittances - Outward

CIMB Portfolio Financing^

# Products/Items Charges
1 Custody Account Maintenance Fee
(For custody of stocks and shares)
S$20*/US$15* per quarter
(end Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)
2 Inward Share Transfer (Singapore Shares) Waived
3 Outward Share Transfer(Singapore Shares)  

- Transfer to CDP Direct A/c (no change in beneficial owner)

- Transfer to CDP Direct A/c (change beneficial owner) or Transfer To a 3rd party F.I.

S$20*/US$15* per counter
S$10*/US$10* per lot per counter
(Subject to a Max: S$100*/US$80*)
4 Share Transfer for Sale of Shares

- Share Delivery for Sale of Shares

5 Corporate Actions (For custody of stocks and shares)
Dividends Payment

- Scrip

S$20*/US$15* per counter

- Cash

1% on net dividend (Min: $10*/US$10*, Max S$100*/US$80*)

- Bonus Shares

S$20*/US$15* per counter

- Rights / Warrant Issue

S$20*/US$15* per counter

- Rights / Warrant Conversion

S$20*/US$15* per counter

- Cash Offer

S$20*/US$15* per counter

- Rights Issue / Warrant Conversion

S$20*/US$15* per counter
6 Stamping Fee  

- Facility Limit S$2m and below


- Facility Limit above S$2m

S$500 + S$25 SingPost Processing Fee/US$400
7 Other Fees  

- Default Interest Fee

5% above the prevailing rate

- Cancellation Fee (Applicable without any prior drawdown)

1% of the Facility Limit or S$500/US$350, whichever is higher

- Break Fund Cost

To be determined only at request of early capital repayment

Property Loans

# Products / Items Charges
1 Rescheduling of Intended Date of Full Redemption S$200
2 Change of Insurer for Fire Insurance S$200 per year
3 Loan statement request (per statement) Current Calendar Year: Nil
Previous Calendar Year: S$50 (inclusive of GST)
4 Custody of Title Deed for Fully Repaid Loans S$500 per year
5 Late Payment of Monthly Instalments Prime Lending Rate + 5% (subject to S$30 minimum)

Overseas Property Loans

# Products / Items Charges
1 Rescheduling of Intended Date of Full Redemption S$200
2 Change of Insurer for Fire Insurance S$200 per year
3 Loan statement request (per statement) Current Calendar Year: Nil
Previous Calendar Year: S$50 (inclusive of GST)
4 Custody of Title Deed for Fully Repaid Loans S$500 per year
5 Late Payment of Monthly Instalments Prime Lending Rate + 5% (subject to S$30 minimum)

Remisier Banker's Guarantee

# Products / Items Charges
1 Issuance Commission 0.2% p.a. or minimum S$60, whichever is higher
2 Renewal Commission 0.2% p.a.or minimum S$60, whichever is higher
3 Tenure of Guarantee Up to 1 year
4 Claim Period Maximum 3 months (no charge) + Tenure of Guarantee

Other Types of Banker’s Guarantee

# Products / Items Charges
1 Issuance Commission 1.0% p.a. or minimum S$100, whichever is higher
2 Renewal Commission 1.0% p.a. or minimum S$100, whichever is higher
3 Tenure of Guarantee Up to 3 Years
4 Claim Period Maximum 3 months + Tenure of Guarantee

Terms & Conditions

* Exclusive of prevailing Goods and Services Tax (GST). The current GST is at 8%.

^ Important Notices and Risk Warning below applies for CIMB Portfolio Financing

Important Notes & Disclaimer

Important Notices

Facility denominated in USD currency will be charged fees in USD as per the table above.

Other charges or out of pocket expenses from time to time may not be included in this schedule. Fees are subject to change from time to time.

The information is intended for general circulation and does not take into account the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase the product. In the event that you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. CIMB Bank Berhad (“CIMB Bank”) does not give any representation or warranty whatsoever (including but not limited to any representation or warranty as to the accuracy, suitability, adequacy, timeliness or completeness) in respect of any information provided herein and it should not be relied upon as such. CIMB Bank is not responsible for the updating of any information or to correct any inaccuracy that may become apparent at a later time. All information presented is subject to change without notice. CIMB Bank shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly/indirectly howsoever in connection with or as a result of any person acting on any information provided herein. The information provided herein may not be published or circulated in whole or in part without CIMB Bank’s prior written consent.

Marketing and Advertising Materials are not reviewed or endorsed by the MAS.

All charts and information, unless otherwise stated, are from CIMB Bank and are for illustrative and/or information purposes only.

Customers should note that there are necessarily limitations and difficulties in using examples or illustrations to provide a full explanation. All information, statements, figures, content, explanations, examples, and details contained above is intended for illustrative and/or information purposes only, and should not be relied upon for any purpose whatsoever. In the event of any doubt as to how to read or understand the examples, tables, illustration or information, Customers may contact CIMB Bank for a fuller explanation, depiction or for further details.


Risk Warning

This risk warning statement sets out some of the risks associated (“financing”). It does not purport to disclose or discuss all the risks and you should therefore consult with your own legal, tax and financial advisers before accepting or utilizing any such facility. You should determine whether any transaction is suitable for your, taking into account your objectives and financial situation. You are required to maintain a certain level of margin with CIMB Bank Berhad (“the Bank”) for the facilities extended by the Bank to you. If the market moves against you, you may not only sustain a total loss of your initial margin deposit and any additional funds deposited with the Bank to maintain your position, but you may also incur further liability to the Bank or sustain further or additional losses. You may be called upon to “top-up” your margin by substantial amounts or repay outstanding amounts at short notice to maintain your margin, failing which the Bank may have to liquidate the securities placed by you as collateral at a loss and you would be liable for any resulting loss. If the amount is still not adequate to meet your obligations to the Bank, you should be aware that you would be liable to the Bank for the difference.

The Bank may make margin calls on you through various methods, including via phone, SMS or email. Such margin calls are deemed effective once sent even if you may not have received it. However, even if the Bank has contacted you and provided a specific date by which you can meet a margin call, the Bank can still take necessary steps to protect its interests. This may include immediately selling all or any of the securities placed by you as collateral without notice to you and without waiting for the margin call deadline to expire. You are not entitled to choose which securities are to be liquidated or sold to meet a margin call. As the securities are collateral for the financing, The Bank has the right to decide which collateral to sell or realise in order to protect its interests. The Bank can change its margin of finance requirements at any time and is not required to provide you advance written notice. These changes in the Bank policy often take effect immediately and may result in the issuance of a margin call. Your failure to satisfy the call may cause CIMB Bank to liquidate or sell all or any of the securities securing the facility. You are not entitled to an extension of time on a margin call. While an extension of time to meet margin requirements may be available to you under certain conditions, you do not have a right to the extension.