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Account Balance

Interest / Profit Rates  (p.a.)^

First $25,000


Next $25,000


Next $25,000


 Above $75,000


^Interest/profit accrued daily and credited monthly. Daily interest/profit will be paid on the entire daily balance, provided that the prevailing interest/profit earned is at least $0.01 at the end of the month.


Our Interest/Profit Rates are effective as of 1 November 2022.


Please note that a S$10 fee is chargeable for applying or linking your CiMB ATM card to your CIMB FastSaver or FastSaver-i account.


Account Balance Interest / Profit Rates (p.a.)^
First S$100,000 1.50%
Next S$150,000 2.50%
Above S$250,000 3.50%

^Interest/profit accrued daily and credited monthly. Daily interest/profit will be paid on the entire daily balance, provided that the balance is at least S$1,000 in your CIMB StarSaver (Savings)/ CIMB StarSaver (Savings)-i Account on any given day.


Our Interest/Profit Rates are effective as of 1 November 2022.


Please note that a S$10 fee is chargeable for applying or linking your CiMB ATM card to your CIMB FastSaver or FastSaver-i account.


Packages on Offer

Amount to Save Monthly

If You Plan To Perform Hajj In Total Amount To Save Up  Profit Rate

Profit Earned At the End of Year 1

(assuming S$100 initial deposit

+ 12 months worth of deposits from Day 1)

Profit Earned At the End of Year 1

(assuming S$100 initial deposit

+ deposit fixed amount at the start of each month)

S$500 per month


5 years S$30,000 2.00% p.a.


(12 months deposit = 12 X S$500 = S$6,000)


(fixed monthly deposit = S$500)

S$250 per month


10 years


(12 months deposit = 12 X S$250 = S$3,000)


(fixed monthly deposit = S$250)

S$125 per month


20 years


(12 months deposit = 12 X S$125 = S$1,500)


(fixed monthly deposit = S$125)

Month-end incremental deposit required to earn the higher profit rate i.e. 2.00%p.a. for the relevant month which will be given to customer on whole balance if month-end target balance is met and the entire account balance has a minimum of S$100. If the month end target balance or minimum account balance is not met, the lower profit rate i.e. 1.00%p.a. is accorded for that month. The profit is accrued daily but paid monthly.


Account Balance Interest Rates (p.a.)^
First S$5,000 1.50%
Next S$20,000 2.50%
Next S$25,000 3.50%
 Above S$50,000 0.80%

^Interest accrued daily and credited monthly. Daily interest will be paid on the entire daily balance, provided that the balance is at least S$1,000 in your CIMB Junior Saver Account on any given day.


Our Interest Rates are effective as of 1 November 2022.


Account Balance

Prevailing Interest Rate (p.a.)*

First US$50,000


Next US$100,000


Above S$150,000 1.50%

^Interest/profit accrued daily and credited monthly. Daily interest/profit will be paid on the entire daily balance, provided that the prevailing interest/profit earned is at least US$0.01 at the end of the month.